MUDTAMER to Continue Jackson Rice Partnership in 2024

MUDTAMER to Continue Jackson Rice Partnership in 2024

After an extremely successful 2023 working in partnership with Jackson Rice and the #7 car in the Australian TA2 racing series, the team here at MUDTAMER are extremely proud to announce that the partnership will be continuing through 2024!

Jackson drove the wheels of the MUDTAMER Mustang last year, finishing the TA2 championship in a strong 3rd position. However, it wasn't just his on track ability that made staying with him this year such an easy choice, it was also how he carries himself off track too. Jackson embodies a lot of what we believe in here at MUDTAMER so we can't think of anyone else to better represent us! The time he takes for those coming to watch the race along with his laser sharp focus on achieving his goals are all values that go beyond just his racing.


Credit: Colson Photography


Moving into the Trans Am Series from the TA2 this year will see Jackson racing against some fierce and well known competition including Australian motorsport household names like James Moffat, Tim Slade, Todd Hazelwood and James Golding. This is the perfect opportunity for Rice to show how much he has grown as a driver while continuing to improve his race craft against some serious talent.


“I really value the relationship that we have built with the crew at Mudtamer, without sponsors like these guys, racing wouldn’t be possible. So a massive thank you! Here’s hoping we can have a cracking year!” - Jackson Rice


Credit: Colson Photography


So what does this partnership look like for 2024? Well, you can expect to see a lot of really cool content from us both on and off the race track. This includes videos, photos and definitely a few giveaways! Got a cool idea that you would love to see from us or Jackson? Head to either ours or Jackson's Facebook pages and flick us a comment or message!

Ahead of what looks to be another action packed season, we are really looking forward to all of the racing and are behind Jackson 100% as he chases a championship. Keep up to date with our blog and social media to keep up with his results throughout the year and to see all the content that we will be putting out!


Keep up with Jackson this season and find out more about him at 

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